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In Dragonfly, as well as in Redis and Valkey, the XADD command is used to append a new entry to a stream. Streams are data structures that enable storing and processing ordered logs of events, and XADD is essential for adding data to these streams.


XADD key [<MAXLEN | MINID> [~ | =] threshold] <* | id> field value [field value ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key of the stream where the entry will be appended.
  • MAXLEN (optional): A flag to cap the length of the stream to threshold items.
  • MINID (optional): A flag to trim the stream to keep only entries with IDs greater than threshold.
  • For MAXLEN or MINID, one of the following operators can be used:
    • The ~ operator is used to trim approximately, which can be more efficient but may not be exact.
    • The = operator is used to trim exactly to the specified threshold.
  • In order to specify a unique ID for the entry in the stream, use one of the following options.
    • *: Automatically generate an ID that includes a timestamp and a sequence number.
    • id: A unique incremental ID for the entry specified by your application.
    • Either way, the stored ID is a string representing two 64-bit integers separated by a hyphen (-).
  • field value: Pairs of field names and their corresponding values, forming the data within the entry.

Return Values

  • The command returns the unique ID of the added stream entry.
  • If the ID is automatically generated, the first part is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds, and the second part is an incrementing sequence number distinguishing entries with the same timestamp.

Code Examples

Basic Example

Add an entry to a stream:

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * sensor-id 1234 temperature 20.1

Limit Stream Length

Add an entry and trim the stream to keep only the latest 5 entries:

dragonfly$> XADD mystream MAXLEN = 5 * sensor-id 1235 temperature 20.1

Add Multiple Field-Value Pairs

Stream entries can contain multiple field-value pairs:

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * sensor-id 1236 temperature 20.1 humidity 40

Use Specific ID

Specify a unique ID for the stream entry. The ID can be in a full format or a partial format as shown below. When using a specific ID, ensure it is unique and greater than the target stream top item's ID.

# Using an auto-generated ID.
dragonfly$> XADD mystream * sensor-id 1237 temperature 20.1

# Using a specific ID in full format (timestamp-sequence).
dragonfly$> XADD mystream "1735929311498-1" sensor-id 1237 temperature 20.2

# Using a specific ID in partial format (timestamp only).
dragonfly$> XADD mystream "1735929311498-*" sensor-id 1237 temperature 20.3

# Using an ID that is less than the top item's ID will result in an error.
# In this case, the partial format ID is less than the top item's ID.
dragonfly$> XADD mystream "1700000000000-*" sensor-id 1237 temperature 20.4
(error) ERR The ID specified in XADD is equal or smaller than the target stream top item

Best Practices

  • Use the MAXLEN parameter to manage stream size, especially when operating under memory constraints.
  • Ensure field names are consistent in the stream structure to simplify data processing downstream.
  • When storing multiple data points, structure entries as time-stamped records for better traceability.

Common Mistakes

  • Providing an odd number of arguments for the field-value list results in a syntax error.
  • Not using the * for the ID will require manually assigning unique IDs, which can be error-prone.


What happens if the key does not exist?

If the key does not exist, XADD will automatically create a new stream with the specified key and append the entry to it.

Can I use specific IDs instead of *?

Yes, you can specify your own unique ID instead of using *, but you must ensure the new ID is unique and is greater than the target stream top item's ID.