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In Dragonfly, as well as in Redis and Valkey, the XDEL command is used to delete one or more entries from a stream. This command is particularly useful for managing data in stream-like structures by removing irrelevant or processed items.


XDEL key ID [ID ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key of the stream from which entries are to be deleted.
  • ID: One or more entry IDs identifying the entries you wish to delete from the stream.

Return Values

  • The command returns an integer representing the number of entries that were successfully deleted from the stream.

Code Examples

Basic Example

Delete a single entry from a stream:

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * name "Alice" age "30"

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * name "Bob" age "25"

dragonfly$> XDEL mystream "1527845627383-0"
(integer) 1

dragonfly$> XRANGE mystream - +
1) "1527845627383-1"
1) "name"
2) "Bob"
3) "age"
4) "25"

Delete Multiple Entries

Delete multiple entries from the stream by specifying multiple IDs:

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * name "Alice" age "30"

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * name "Bob" age "25"

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * name "Charlie" age "22"

dragonfly$> XADD mystream * name "Diana" age "28"

dragonfly$> XDEL mystream "1527845627383-1" "1527845627383-3"
(integer) 2

dragonfly$> XRANGE mystream - +
1) 1) "1527845627383-0"
2) 1) "name"
2) "Alice"
3) "age"
4) "30"
2) 1) "1527845627383-2"
2) 1) "name"
2) "Charlie"
3) "age"
4) "22"

Best Practices

  • Make smart use of XDEL to keep your streams tidy and free from outdated or unnecessary data.
  • Consider removing processed entries to prevent the stream from growing indefinitely, which could lead to performance degradation and increased memory usage.

Common Mistakes

  • Attempting to delete an entry using a non-existent ID, which will result in a deletion count of 0.
  • Assuming XDEL modifies the order of entries in a stream, while it merely removes specific entries and maintains the order of remaining entries.


What happens if the specified IDs do not exist in the stream?

If the specified IDs do not exist, XDEL will return 0 for each non-existent ID, meaning no entries were deleted.

Can I use XDEL on a non-stream data type?

No, using XDEL on a non-stream data type will result in an error.